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Oxford Primary Dictionary

$22.00 BZD
SKU 9780192794888
Qty in Stock: 41
150 x 212 mm, 498 grams 512 pages

This new edition of the Oxford Primary Dictionary provides even more vocabulary; words such as chortle, cacophony, amulet, and toolbar have been added, along with others from a wide range of areas such as animals (e.g. narwhal, saber-toothed), history (e.g.longship, paleontologist), mythology (e.g. cyclops, selkie) and space and science fiction (e.g. spacewalk, teleport). It features a unique selection of fictional words for creatures or places from children's reading and writing. For example, hobbit, Muggle, and Bandersnatch.

All the entries are clear and simple with word classes and inflections were given in full.

Children will discover example sentences from the authors they love to read for themselves, such as Michael Morpurgo, Roald Dahl, and J.

K. Rowling. 'Try also' guides at the top of the pages help to locate tricky-to-find words in the alphabet, word origins are given in 'Did you know?' panels, and Spelling Alerts flag up tricky spellings.

It is the ideal dictionary for boosting reading skills and building word power.

Companion to the new updated edition of the Oxford Primary Thesaurus which provides thousands of synonyms for all young writers.

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