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Business Accounting (12Th Ed F. W)

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Original price $74.95 BZD
Current price $74.20 BZD
SKU 9780273759287
Qty in Stock: 1

Every year, thousands of students rely on Frank Wood's best-selling books to help them pass their accountancy exams.

Used on a wide variety of courses in accounting and business, both at secondary and tertiary level and for those studying for professional qualifications, Business Accounting Volume 1has become the world’s best-selling textbook on bookkeeping and accounting.

With the addition of a MyAccountingLab, students using this twelfth edition will have even more support when preparing for their exams.  

What is MyAccountingLab?
It is an online tutorial and assessment system that has been gaining popularity with students and instructors across the globe for over ten years. With more than 300,000 registered students in 2010 doing 4 million assignments, MyAccountingLab is the most effective and reliable learning solution for accounting available today. Features include:

  • A personalized study plan for each student
  • Guided solutions that take students step-by-step through solving a problem
  • Exam board-style questions
  • An eBook for quick reference
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